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1. Login to Time-Machine

Login and change your password. After you login using your email address and temporary password, you can change the password using the "Change Password" link at the top of "My Predictions" page.

Time zone. Please note that Time-Machine app uses our system time which is Mountain Time which may NOT be the time zone you are in.

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2. Your First Prediction

Clicking the "+ New Prediction" button starts a new prediction and opens the prediction window. The future event start and end dates are shown at the top of the window. These dates and times are mountain time zone. Please be aware that this time may NOT be the same time zone you are located in. The prediction start time will usually be sometime within the next hour or so, but on Fridays and over the weekend, the event start time might be Sunday afternoon or Monday. The event end time is always 1 hour after the start time.

A future event 'could' be something like the outcome of a football game, where the actual game itself has a start date and time, and an end date and time. You must complete your prediction prior to the event start date and time in order to make a valid prediction. The actual nature of the event you are predicting is kept hidden from you. The total amount of time you have remaining to complete your prediction (all 10 trials) is shown at the top  "Time Remaining:". In this example, you would have 1 hour, 11 minutes to complete all 10 trials to make a valid prediction for an event that starts at 5/12/24 18:00 and ends at 5/12/24 19:00 (Mountain time zone). Generally future events start within a couple of hours of a "New Prediction", but if you start a new prediction later than Friday at about 1:00 pm, your event start date will be Sunday at 4:00 pm (mountain time).

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3. Remote view your first trial

The trial "1" button will be dimmed showing that you have selected "Trial 1". The picture box WILL BE EMPTY at this point. Close your eyes and take a few minutes to get into your meditative state. When you are ready, imagine yourself in the future AFTER the future event end date (called "viewing feedback") looking at the picture box when there will be a photo displayed there. For now, that space is empty. Your job is to predict what that image will be using your "meditative imagination". Don't force this. Allow random thoughts to enter your mind about what the image might look like (called "Remote Viewing"). Record your thoughts into the "Describe photo #1" field near the top of the window (called "remote viewing transcript"). You might want to repeat this process a few times generating different ideas for photo #1.

An example remote viewing transcript might be: "red. a large open space. lines that cross each other. Snow". Separate each thought with a period and a space.

When you are finished remote viewing the photo for trial #1, click the "SAVE" button. This will save your remote viewing transcript to our server. Saving the data takes 15 seconds. After your data is saved to our server, the server will analyse your RV transcript and compare it to two hidden photos connected to trial #1 and generate a confidence score for each of them. You will be able to see these confidence scores after you save trial #10.

Tips on how to remote view:

The more surprisingly RANDOM your thoughts are, the more likely they will be valid remote viewing perceptions about this hidden photo. Most often, thoughts about your target are generated by your thinking brain, and you must ‘edit’ these out (ignore them), as they are typically thoughts about the last image you saw, your lunch, or anything else that might seem ‘suspicious’ to you. The valuable impressions come from your subconscious mind, and are always a big surprise which seemingly came from nowhere, or ‘out of the blue’. Often, these valid impressions about the photo are very weak thoughts that seem to be occurring in the ‘background’ of your subconscious mind. Pay attention to these fleeting weak random background thoughts, as they are often related to your target.


Please keep in mind that the amount of concentrated, focused effort you invest into a good quality remote viewing session is directly correlated to a successful trial. Taking your time to get into a meditative state is highly recommended. Listening to Hemi-Sync sound to help you relax and clear your mind is suggested. Search for “Hemi-Sync” on Spotify.


YOU possess the magic required to make all of this work! The key is somewhere deep in your subconscious mind. If you use a A.I. program like ChatGPT to generate your Remote Viewing transcript (random words), this will circumvent our process which taps into this mysterious ability and the results will be random chance (we have tested this). Cheating by using an A.I. won't save you any time, and you will be robbing yourself of the experience of learning how you can transcend space and time with your mind! PLEASE DO NOT USE A.I. TO GENERATE YOUR RV TRANSCRIPT.

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4. Remote view all 10 trials

Repeat the trial #1 process for all 10 trials. After trial 1 has finished saving, click on "Start Trial #2" button, and repeat the steps from trial #1 - remote view the photo for trial #2, Save, and click "Start Trial #3" button, etc. Continue to repeat this process until you have saved your 10th and final trial.

Make sure to watch "Time Left" to make sure you save your 10th trial before your time runs out. If your time runs out, none of your trials will be saved and this prediction will be deleted.

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5. After you save your 10th and final trial

Our server will calculate confidence scores over the next 10 minutes or so. The overall confidence scores for both possible predictions "YES" and "NO" will be updated as the server processes the data. Eventually, you can see your overall confidence score for this prediction in this window. In this example, the confidence score for "YES" was 1.61 vs. a -.06 for "NO" meaning that the overall prediction for prediction # 19 is "YES".

You can close the trial window, and log out of Time-Machine at any time after you save trial #10, as the server will continue to process your data even if you are no longer logged into the app.

In the final "CONGRATULATIONS" message, note the date and time that the future event will end (the future event END DATE), which is also the date and time that you can open the prediction from the "My Predictions" table, and view the feedback photo for each of the 10 trials.

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6. the Time-Machine desktop

The "My Predictions" page is where you can view a list of all of the predictions that you have saved in descending order. Prediction start and end date columns are when the actual future event started and ended. The "YES Z" and "NO Z" columns show your confidence score for your predicted answer "YES" and "NO" with your overall prediction being the higher score of the two. The "Actual" column shows the actual outcome and the "Result" column shows a red X if your prediction was INCORRECT, and a green check if your prediction was CORRECT. Payments are made based on these correct or incorrect predictions.

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Open a prediction by clicking on any of your predictions in the "My Predictions" table, you can open the prediction and if that prediction is complete (there is an ACTUAL outcome recorded for it), you can see all 10 trials along with the feedback photos for each, your remote viewing transcript, and your confidence scores.

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7. Viewing feedback

After the future event End Date, view all 10 feedback images. An actual outcome for your prediction will be known because the future event will have ended. At 10 minutes past the event end date and time, the prediction as shown in the "My Predictions" table will show the result as a red X (your prediction was incorrect), or as a green check (your prediction was correct).


Click on the prediction in the My Predictions table and the prediction window will open. Click through all 10 trial buttons and look very carefully at each feedack photo comparing the photo to your remote viewing transcript for that trial. Note any similarities between your transcript and the photo.

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1. The ShowCase

Open the "ShowCase" link by clicking on the "ShowCase" link at the top of the Time-Machine "My Predictions" page where you can see examples of high scoring trials by other time-travelers. High scores are correlated with a successful trial.

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2. The Blog

Open the "Blog" link by clicking on the "Blog" link at the top of the Time-Machine "My Predictions" page where you can read performance summaries and other research articles about the project.

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