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What does a NEGATIVE confidence score mean?

Greg Kolodziejzyk

Does trying to wrap your brain around a negative z-score cause you to lose sleep? Are you having nightmares about this? Do you argue with your significant other about what it could possibly mean? Fear no more. I can answer this question for you!

When you are tasked with the objective to remote view yourself in the future looking at a photo, we know you are doing a lot more than just that. Based on the data, it seems that you are doing whatever is required using whatever powers that are available to you, to obtain a successful trial. You could be using micro psychokinesis to cause our random number generator to select an image you are more likely to connect with, which in turn will favor the correct future outcome. Or you might be using retro micro psychokinesis to effect the outcome of your random thoughts from the future when you look at your feedback photo, to the past when you were remote viewing. Of course, you might also be catching a brief glimpse of your future feedback image, as per your intention.

And while your intention is to perceive aspects of the correct photo that you will be shown, you might at the same time, be psychically AVOIDING something in the wrong photo - even more often than chance would permit. And that is what a negative z-score is. For example, let's say the wrong photo is a photo of a banana. And you perceived a bunch of ideas that are commonly in a lot of images, like "person. grass. sun. blue. outside." But, you DID NOT perceive "Yellow. banana. fruit. long. food". In other words you significantly AVOIDED using words that may have described any aspect of the wrong photo more often than chance would permit. That could result in a negative z-score.

How do we know this even exists? We can look at the total z-score for all photos that were correct, compared to the total z-score for all photos that were wrong. If we all tend to match elements of the correct photo more than chance would permit, then we should end up with a statistically significant z-score. And we do, so we know we can do that. However, if the total z-score for all of the wrong photos is negatively significant, then we can also say that we are actually creating that significant negative.

This above performance plots are from two different time-machine users with a large number of trials. Note how the total z-score for all of their correct trials (green line) is significant at z=2.0. Their total z-score for all of their wrong trials (red line) is negative .7. -.7 is not significant, but when we combine all users wrong scores together, the red line is deep into the negative territory. This must mean that we are purposely avoiding perceiving elements of the wrong photo - possibly more often than chance would permit.

Another method of determining if this is a legitimate effect, would be to compare two methods of Target A / Target B analysis. If we simply take the higher of the two scores as your prediction, then we get an over all LOWER success rate than considering the DIFFERENCE between your two scores. That implies that there is INFORMATION in the score for the wrong target.

As always, If you have a question like you would like to know more about, go ahead and ask me, and I'll address it in the next blog.

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